The constant winner on the sidelines shouted: "This is definitely a foul!"

The Italian commentator also shouted: "Vidic knocked down cazorla … It was a foul!"
But the referee only gave Lazio a corner kick.
After getting up, cazorla looked very angry. He raised his hands and protested to the referee, who ignored him.
Manchester United therefore escaped.
But Ferguson was not happy. He didn’t see clearly whether Lazio should give a penalty for this attack just now. It’s hard to say. But at least this attack shows that Manchester United’s defense is a little stretched …
He found that in Lazio’s midfield and frontcourt, everyone is the core, and everyone can organize attacks and score points.
If you want to defend one by one, Manchester United will definitely not have enough defenders.
Just like this, more people were sent to defend candreva, and as a result, cazorla lost its restrictions …
But if we ignore candreva, then maybe candreva’s previous goal will repeat itself …
Ferguson felt a headache.
Lazio’s practice of breaking up into parts made him feel difficult to deal with.
You always miss someone …
Unless you withdraw all the players to defend.
But in that case, is there still an attack?
Originally, we are now two goals behind in the total score. If we give up defense again … how can we play? Isn’t that exactly what Lazio wants? They must be eager for Manchester United to give up attacking.
I thought that Lazio’s offensive strength would be affected after he injured modric. But I didn’t expect this to make Lazio more flexible.
Everyone is the core of the organization, and everyone can organize and shoot.
This is even more difficult to prevent than when modric arranged the heavy responsibility of the organization alone!
Ferguson can only hope that Manchester United can equalize the score before Lazio scores more goals, so the total score is still only one goal short, and there is still hope.
He looked at his watch.
The second half started fifteen minutes, and there were thirty minutes left …
This time, say more, say less.
Cristiano ronaldo received the latest instructions from Ferguson, which is exactly what he wanted to hear.
Give yourself the responsibility of scoring goals for the whole team, give yourself full freedom and kick as you want.
He quickly put Ferguson’s instructions into practice, and he made a long-range shot outside Lazio’s penalty area.
However, his foot is a little poor on the head.
But it shows this trend.
At the same time, in order to cooperate with cristiano ronaldo, the whole Manchester United also made corresponding adjustments. Finally, the football was passed to Ronaldo, and everyone involved Lazio’s defense by moving, providing opportunities for cristiano ronaldo.
Manchester United has also begun to exert its strength.
Now they are two goals behind, and if they don’t exert themselves, they may really die.
Lazio’s goal did not completely kill Manchester United, but angered the monster and made them even crazier.
At the same time, in order to regain the initiative in the game, Manchester United has become more and more tough in defense, even … rough.
In the 66th minute, when Pa Wen was competing with Ronaldo for the header, Rooney carried him when he landed, and he twisted his ankle, so he finally couldn’t stick to the game. Can only be replaced.
This is a passive substitution.
Ever-victorious let chiellini play while swearing, replacing Pa Wen.
He thinks Rooney should get a yellow card for this move. It’s not enough. This is Manchester United’s home court, and the referee didn’t mean it.
Then, Gotze was also tackled by Evra.
Although Evra got a yellow card, Gotze went off to receive some treatment and didn’t return to the game until three minutes later.
During these three minutes, Changsheng kept reminding the apprehensive, for fear that Gotze would get hurt again.
If Gotze is injured, he will really have to let Gill play high center tactics … In that case, Manchester United will be comfortable.
Fortunately, Gotze quickly rejoined the competition.
For Manchester United’s rude fouls again and again, Changsheng kept yelling at the fourth official, but it didn’t work. The referee can send off the head coach if he is upset, but the head coach can’t get rid of the referee because he is upset …
Of course, the bridge side also quickly avenged Gotze.
When Patrice Evra came up with the ball to assist, candreva made an oblique stab and shoveled him out of the sideline.
The scene was booed and even the referee’s whistle was drowned out.
The referee showed candreva a yellow card, and candreva didn’t care!
He waited for Evra and ran back.
Although he is young, these hidden rules on the football field are very clear.
If others are mean to you, you must be more mean to others. Only in this way can you restrain each other, otherwise they will think you are easy to bully.
Gotze may not be very good at getting back at people. After all, he is only seventeen years old, so candreva will do it.
Sure enough, Evra was treated after being shoveled, which was tit for tat.
Ferguson was dissatisfied with candreva’s foul. He rushed off the bench and put pressure on the referee.
Ever-victorious also immediately rushed over, and the coach Ferguson pointed the needle at Maimang.
"Cry for Evra? Look at what he did to my players before! " Ever-victorious yelled at Ferguson. At this time, Ferguson is not his idol, but a damn enemy.
"Your foul is worse! This should be a red card! " Ferguson pointed to the stadium and growled at Changsheng.
"In my opinion, if Evra had been sent off with a red card at the beginning, nothing would have happened after that!" Ever-victorious pushed back without weakness.
The fourth official had to persuade the head coaches of both sides to go back.
"The head coaches of both sides had an argument on the sidelines, and it was obvious that both of them were very excited … This game is really important for both teams … no one wants to lose to the other side … It’s really a game that is not wonderful, but absolutely intense!"
In this fierce confrontation, both sides are still looking for opportunities to score goals.
Cristiano ronaldo tried three ways to score goals, namely, long-range shooting from outside the restricted area, breakthrough with the ball by himself, and outflanking and grabbing points in front of the door.
It seems that he is getting closer and closer to the goal.
Even Italian commentators believe that Lazio should focus on defense. Because they are now two goals ahead of the total score.

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