At this time, the awakened dramatist asked, "Where are those prisoners now?"

"Just in front of Tianmen Town, all hands and feet were tied with hemp ropes, quietly waiting for our fate. More than 70,000 people and soldiers tied up in the middle of the night." Bian Bing said.
Xi Zhi only took a sip of the wine in the wine bottle gourd, and casually wiped the spilled wine at the corner of his mouth. His eyes became determined and he made a gesture of committing suicide to Li She.
"You mean?" Li was shocked.
"Yes, kill them!" The words spoken by the actor only made everyone take a deep breath. "They have no defense at all now, and they have killed them all!"
"That makes sense!" The only voice of approval in the field was Li Zhuang, who said sullenly, "You should let these scum know that Tianmen Town is not easy to mess with! If you can’t do it, I, the eldest brother, will bear the blame of the butcher! "
Li She hesitated, and it was really a good proposal, but Li She really couldn’t bear it. He looked at others and wanted to listen to their opinions so that he could make a choice.
Chapter one hundred and seventy-three cannibalism
"Little brother, what are you hesitating about? Let me, the butcher, do it!" Li Zhuang patted the armrest of the seat and suddenly stood up. His anger at the invaders was unstoppable.
Li She quickly got up and said, "Brother, sit down first. Even if you want to bear the notoriety of butcher, it must be me. How can you let Brother take the fall guy?"
"Brother Li Zengda said something. The butcher’s notoriety comes from me in Zhou Cang. Anyway, I’m a clown in Zhou Cang, and it’s appropriate to deserve the name of a butcher." Zhou Cang also chimed in and agreed with the method of talent.
Li She looked at Xi Zhicai and asked, "Zhicai, is there really no other way?"
The play just smiled. "Yes, of course."
Among the more than 70,000 prisoners, there are players and NPCs. Without exception, all of them are bound by their hands and feet, and their eyes are stunned. I don’t know what their fate is.
It’s noon. Today is a rare fine day. The sun shines on the body and it’s a little warm, but the prisoners don’t feel a trace of warmth. Their hearts are full of anxiety.
They haven’t eaten for almost a day and a night, and they are really a little hungry, but the soldiers guarding them have no consciousness of giving them food. These prisoners are in a hurry. Are they going to starve to death alive? Yes, how can there be so much food in a small town to feed the prisoners?
Just as they were in a state of confusion, there was a sudden thunder in the sky, and it was a bolt from the blue, which deeply regretted the hearts of these prisoners. It was this sound that made them unable to lift the courage to resist at all yesterday.
One man came up to them with a smile on his face, and two men knocked gongs on the side to attract the attention of the prisoners. As soon as they looked there, they couldn’t move away any more, because there was food behind this man, and there were more than 20 barrels of rice, but without food, the prisoners wouldn’t care. They didn’t want anything else now, just wanted to have rice to fill their stomachs.
The man spoke and first introduced himself. "Ladies and gentlemen, I’m Bian Bing, the deputy mayor of this town!" Then he said, "Do you know what your consequences are?"
The prisoners said nothing, waiting for Bian Bing’s following.
"It’s death!" Bian Bing said coldly.
"Don’t you dare kill us!" One of the prisoners took the lead and shouted, "We must not sit still!" The prisoners were boiling for a while, and there was a tendency to resist to the death. Anyway, the big deal was death.
Boom! There was a thunder in the sky, and there would be fireworks on top of the blue sky and white clouds, and the prisoners immediately dared not speak.
"If you dare to make noise again, the lightning will really come down." Bian Bing said slightly that more than 70,000 people were afraid to utter a word in the atmosphere, and the scene was silent, for fear that the lightning would fall down. After all, the situation last night was still fresh in their minds.
Bian Bingyi pointed to the man who had just taken the lead in making a noise and said with a smile: "Kill him!" "
A bright silver lightning flashed down rapidly, and the leader had turned into a robbery ash, which stopped someone at the place.
Bian Bing said, "You have come to invade us. Even if you are captured by us, it is no exaggeration to kill you. However, our mayor’s house is very kind and unwilling to kill you, and of course we can’t let you go, lest you continue to be ill."
"No, no, we will never do it again." The prisoners said in succession.
"Ha ha, who knows this? It is impossible for us to let you go. " Bian Bing completely dispelled these prisoners’ thoughts, pointed to more than 20 barrels of rice behind him and said, "There is not much food in Tianmen Town, and we can only supply another 30,000 people with food."
The prisoners seem to understand something. They can only supply 30,000 people, that is to say, there are more than 40,000 people who have no food and don’t let them leave. That is to say, there is only a dead end, but they don’t know that Tianmen Town can only provide more food for 2,000 people.
The smile on Bian Bing’s face finally dissipated, and his face was cold and he said, "So most of you will die!" Before the prisoners began to boo, Bian Bing added, "It’s not us who decide who dies and who lives, but yourselves!"
"yes! We don’t need the weak, we need the strong! " Bian Bing made a sign, and hundreds of foot soldiers appeared immediately, carrying thousands of weapons, and they were thrown in front of these prisoners.
"Here are about one thousand weapons, this is your weapon, only the remaining thirty thousand people can have the qualification to survive. Don’t tell me that your hands and feet are tied. I know that some of you have broken free. " Bian Bing walked backward, then turned back and said, "Finally, if you dare to escape, you will die!"
If you see Zhang Han riding first, he leads the cavalry to stop not far from this group of prisoners.
"Go!" BianBing let out a cry and left without looking back.
The prisoners looked at each other and didn’t know what to do. This was when a man suddenly stood up and ran to the place where the weapon was, picked up a long sword and stabbed the nearest person, and the killing began.
With the appearance of this man, more and more people who have broken away ran to the place where the weapons are located, and the scene became more and more chaotic. Those who were tied with their hands and feet were unwilling to do nothing, and they all bit the hemp rope tied to their hands with their mouths, even ignoring the blood from their gums, because they wanted to live.
Watching this scene from the top of the city, Li She sighed and said, "It’s really poisonous to let them kill each other with their survival instinct!"
"Being useful is a good plan. We don’t have to be polluted by it. I admire myself a little." Xi Zhicai said at a side.

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