The Star Main Hall is the first master magic weapon of Tianxing Peak. When Tianxing Peak is controlled, the hub of the guardian mountain array will be stationed in the Star Main Hall, which means that it will become a master of one peak.

Although Meng Fei will be an apprentice in the future, his title is still Gu Hongdi, but he can be tied for the patriarch of Shengquan School. That is why he is qualified to inherit other people in the main hall of the Star and become the master of the Star Peak.
The main hall of the star can only be sacrificed from generation to generation, and it must not be left to the peak owner after the death of the peak owner.
This is the rule, so after Gu Hong’s death, he ordered the government to break down the Louvre and other Louvre circles stood together, but the hall remained here for future generations.
In the main hall of Star, Meng Fei walked step by step to the center of this hall.
Gu Hong is the elder of the Holy Patriarch, who has been living alone in the main hall of Tianxing Fengxing without his brother. It seems quite deserted, with several rows of shelves, a pond and a jade bed.
How many water lilies grow in the pond? Lotus leaves float on the water, but there are no lotus flowers.
Meng Fei saw an old man with white eyebrows and beard sitting cross-legged on a lotus leaf. His hair was whiter than snow, and his eyebrows were about seven feet long and fluttering around him.
Presumably, this is my cheap master. It’s a pity that a generation of saints and goddesses died in the earth-shattering death before their death.
Meng Fei is going to worship Gu Hong. Suddenly, he saw Gu Hong smiling at him with his eyes open. He was startled to see the old body sitting cross-legged on the lotus leaf suddenly turning into a white lotus floating on the water.
This lotus flower is extremely miraculous, with a strong sacred breath all over it, but it has no shape or consciousness.
After death, the body turned into a holy lotus. What was the achievement method of his practice before his death? How could it be so strange? Meng Fei stabilized his mind and lifted his feet into the pond and walked towards the holy lotus.
He had just taken the first step when the lotus suddenly became bigger and bigger, and the distance was getting farther and farther, fearing thousands of miles away.
Meng Fei’s second step is to take this demon lotus as big as a flower mountain on the sea surface, and the pond is not a pond but a vast sea.
When the water in the pond raises a clear wave, it is a stormy wave. When the breeze first moves, it is a hurricane. If the water vapor on the surface of the pond turns into a dark cloud in front of him, it will be terrible.
Meng Fei hurried back to the shore and saw that the sea suddenly turned back to the pond for several feet. The lotus leaf in the Fiona Fang pond was still of an unusual size.
He tried several times and finally determined that this small pond was a piece of Wang Yang sea.
However, this sea should have been forcibly moved to the summit of Tianxing Peak by an unfathomable practitioner, and then integrated into the main hall of the Star after refining.
If this lotus flower can be transplanted to a abnormal level in my life house, it may be another beauty to strengthen the sacred lotus after death. Meng Fei’s micro-motion immediately shook his head. These lotus leaves are rooted in the sea, and it is not his strength to pull them up.
He immediately walked to the jade bed and found nothing strange. Then he walked to the rows. Chapter four hundred and sixty The guest visited.
High virtual holy lotus Shou Yuan This should be the practice achievement method of the ancient elders. Unfortunately, he failed to practice this achievement method to the extreme or the physical decline exhausted Shou Yuan. It can be seen that this incomplete achievement method is bragging.
Meng Fei put this achievement method in rows and rows to find Gu Hong’s practice notes or other things that can be pointed out. Today, he is not short of achievement method, others’ pointing experience and, of course, magic weapon materials.
The second wonder is that Meng Fei turned over the handwriting on his notebook. I don’t know if it is Gu Hong or other peak owners. It is said that a strange martial art can make the cultivation of the second yuan God work miracles.
However, to practice this martial art, you must practice to the ashes and turn yourself into reality first.
There’s nothing wrong with Meng Fei conveniently putting this note back on the shelf, and once again, his eyes lit up and he became the embodiment of this note. Other notes are different, so it should not be left by the same peak owner.
The practice of incarnation outside the body requires a horribly high level of metamorphosis. For me, there is no point in Meng Fei. I will go to see other people who are still immortal and truly broken, etc., but each one needs extremely high repair.
If you were the Lord of Wanhua Palace, Ding Yuanhou, you would be fascinated and rewarded here. However, these notes require a high level of practice, and there is nothing wrong with Meng Feigen. Why don’t you just give him a better Wushu?
But in the main hall where he can cultivate Wushu stars, he really hasn’t. After all, it’s really worthwhile for these elders to hide this kind of thing.
Isn’t there a secret book, Meng Fei, who is very upset but doesn’t know that every note of these frames is literally enough to make me wonder how many people practice to break the head and set off a bloody battle
Or step by step, slowly cultivate his mind, slowly walk into the hall, and see many slaves kneeling outside the hall.
Get up.
Xie Feng’s slaves got up and went to fight Lingtian, but they were brave enough to be at your disposal at any time.
Meng Fei raised my hand against a slave and hurriedly asked the master to smile apologetically before.
You go to the altar and inform them that the late Lord Gufeng also met Elder Xue to scold him for me. Meng Fei thought for a moment, and by the way, help me scold Elder Lu and scold him face to face, remember?
With a bitter look on his face, the servant quickly said that he was flying to the general altar of Shengquan Sect.
Other servants looked at him with sympathy and watched him go away. This guy really abused Elder Xue and Elder Lu face to face, so he would be dead.
Meng Fei knew that Elder Xue and Elder Lu would never kill the servant because of this. After all, they owe it to themselves to arrange a dying elder to be a master.
He looked at the Star Peak, the Louvre, and said that the main hall of the Star is the center of the Star Peak array. I also sacrificed this magic weapon, and this Louvre is the real treasure.
All the masters of the stars and peaks in the past dynasties have refined their magic weapons, and their magic weapons and materials are hidden in various life houses. After their death, their treasures will remain in the Luofu world.
If you want these treasures to enter the Louvre.
The Luofu boundary in Mata Lake is different. There is no ban on the Luofu boundary here, so people can enter without worrying about being wiped out by the ban.
It can be said that this Louvre is a huge treasure house, and the wealth in it is absolutely more amazing than that in Mata Lake.
Meng Fei is going to enter one of the Luofu realms. Suddenly, a light tone comes to Meng Feng. Is Brother Meng there?
He looked around and saw a young white-shirted boy landing on the summit. The young boy seemed young, but Meng Fei seemed to have a harmonious bearing as if he controlled the life and death of hundreds of millions of people
He looked at the Star Hall with a sad look, as if his age and appearance did not match, and sighed that Zongyuan was late and failed to give Uncle Gu a ride. It was a pity in his life.
Meng Fei wondered, who are you, brother?
The boy in white said indifferently, My name is Yeshan, and the word Zongyuan is Jing.
Come is the night brother younger brother surnamed Meng Mingfei word less Meng Fei hand way
Ye Zongyuan wondered, haven’t you heard every word of me?
Meng Fei shook his head. No, my younger brother just became a saint. My younger brother just became a master when he knew the saint, but his servant drove the crane west.

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