Three eyes tidy up their emotions and go directly into the dark room where they belong.

"My Lord, I’m back!"
"Well, you’re back so soon, as I expected. You must have lost the battle, right?"
Three eyes pursed his mouth and didn’t speak, but the more he breathed, the more he told him that he was absolutely right.
"I expected that you might fail some time ago!"
"Because when you told me that the commander-in-chief was a human being, I knew you were bound to lose!"
"I …"
"You don’t have to say anything. I was defeated by humans and it was a fiasco! To this day, I still remember that year! We three-eyed foxes are indeed a great race, but you should know that the most cunning in this world is not us three-eyed foxes, but human beings! Their life is short, but it seems that in order to make up for this defect, they have a strong brain, which is strong enough to destroy the world easily, so strong that they will substitute themselves for destruction without knowing it!
In my time, all our races suffered from them! The only thing to be thankful for is that they are very expensive to grow up and their life span is short!
If there is a genius in our race, people may live for a long time, and that genius will always have a reputation, but human beings are not human beings, and the biggest shortcoming is that they are not short of genius!
Yes, it is this shortcoming, and it is precisely because of this that their geniuses will calculate each other and figure out who will benefit in the end. Aren’t we bystanders? We should just watch the race we are dealing with and not directly get involved!
Direct intervention often leads to no good results, just like darkness. He once made a doppelganger, and he arranged for that doppelganger to go to the human world. He wanted to subvert mankind through this doppelganger, but what happened in the end? It has not been cleaned up by humans! "
"Two places at once?"
"Well, that’s what you saw on the battlefield today. The busy guy has completely fallen into the hands of the enemy, so you really don’t have to worry about the pit. You’re not the dark and his master, but the commander-in-chief of the whole psychic beast legion human!
He also killed the dark doppelganger! So you really don’t have to worry so much! "
"My Lord, I … I’m sorry!"
"There’s nothing I’m sorry I just told you that I don’t like your revenge from the beginning! After so many years, I have seen more life and death than you have seen dead bodies. I really despise life and death. Maybe it is because of this that I can probably judge that there will be no good war in the name of revenge!
The human world does not advocate fighting in the name of revenge. They always say,’ It’s not too late to take revenge for ten years!’ In this case, it tells us that if we really want revenge, we must be fully prepared! Are you prepared this time? Think for yourself! "
"My Lord, I …" My eyes were flushed. Think about it carefully. I seemed to be bent on revenge at that time. There was nothing in his mind. He didn’t even make arrangements for marching and logistics! It’s a shame to just rush in naked like this!
"Yes, you have thought of it, haven’t you? I have been active in the human world for years and I have learned a lot! When the human war is coming, both the initiator and the victim will make some preparations, even if these preparations are not sufficient! Unless the person who started the war suddenly attacked the party who suffered the war and didn’t respond at all, but such cases are few after all!
But more is to prepare for the war! I think you also know that there is a wave of the whole human world war going on in the human world. Do you know how long those people at Konoha had been preparing before the war broke out?
I can tell you that Konoha had at least five years to prepare for it, if not ten years ago! They are always on guard against being attacked by sneak attack, and at the same time, they constantly collect information and summarize it, and then judge the trend of the whole world pattern! At last Konoha lobbied his country to join this massive war!
What you should do now is to learn this lesson instead of hiding in the room and losing your temper! "
"The bodhi old zu I …"
This shadow is actually the bodhi old zu of the three-eyed clan. If the news gets out, I’m afraid the whole psychic world will have an earthquake!
Chapter 66 Coma Toad Fairy
In Shu Mao’s impression, the toad fairy has always been a very great toad. I can’t say how strong he is, but his prediction has never been missed! This is really a great thing.
You know, people who usually use the title of "God Stick" are not predicting something when they predict it, but inferring it according to some things, including some people’s predictive attitude. The result is not 100% correct and there is still a big deviation. Therefore, they need to collect more information to make a reasonable judgment and make the so-called prediction!
But are these really prophecies? Obviously not! Then let’s look back at toad’s prophecy!
In his early years, the great toad was also a little toad, and he was also a volcanic lava. The toad’s property was fire, but free fire in volcanic lava represented enthusiasm, destruction and destruction, but the young elder was not. He judged the world’s direction through his own dreams. He strengthened Ootutuki Hagoromo and successfully guided six brothers to save mankind from the cruel rule of Hui Yeji, so that he played the role of savior. After that incident, the man behind the scenes was vaguely implicated in the fate of the world. This implication was that he could see the world, fate line!
And this is that basi of his prediction.
We all know that the old toad fairy is really a funny guy with a terrible memory. I was talking to you in the front, but I don’t remember who you are in the back. I really don’t know what to do if I hadn’t been watching him all the time! But such a toad immortal who can’t leave his throne at all can judge a person’s fate (Jiraiya’s fate) in one word and correctly guide Jiraiya. Can you not admit that he can’t predict?
Does he sometimes have a place to collect information? Plus those bad memories, even if he gets the information, so what?
He also made a prediction for Naruto, wasn’t it correct in the end? Teammates fought against each other and Naruto successfully pulled Sasuke back from the darkness, but Naruto did not live up to the expectations of Toad, and he was indeed a prophecy!
The toad fairy is not a magic stick, but he is really better than a magic stick! Predictive ability is 100%! It’s not against the sky, so what else is against the sky?
In my impression, the toad fairy is not only a prophet, but also a very respectable old man. His skin has lost its original luster, and his eyes are gray and white, and he can’t see clearly. However, it is such an old psychic who still has his own heart. If this is not great, then what can be called great?
Shu Mao saw that the toad fairy was still breathing, and he nodded, saying that the toad fairy still had the possibility of treatment, but he couldn’t guarantee the possibility of cure. After all, the toad fairy was really old, and he was a figure in the Six Dynasties.
Shu Mao put one hand on the head of the toad fairy. At this time, the toad fairy was put on the bed by the toads, where Shu Mao could easily reach his head and then Shu Mao closed his eyes.
At the moment when Shu Mao closed his eyes, he suddenly heard a voice, "There you are, son!"
"Toad fairy?"
"Well, it’s just that my child is wasting his strength. I can’t do it anymore. I just breathe a sigh of relief. When you come over, I see your future, but that’s not what I should see. Unfortunately, I still can’t help myself. You won’t blame me for seeing your future privately, will you?"
"How can I blame you for joking without toad fairy? Don’t you know how many things you human psychic have done? Just because you saved mankind from the rule of Hui Ye Ji, you are also a meritorious person! "
"Well, you’re right. It’s probably because of that that I got a lot of credit. It’s also because of this that I can live for so long, even if the two brothers left early!"
Shu Mao listened quietly to the immortal’s words and didn’t insert them. He knew that this might be the last words of the old man.
"Shu Mao, I want to say sorry to you first. I …"
"No matter who I will be in the future, I am Shu Mao, the psychic beast of the high command against the dark beast Shu Mao!"
"Well, I was right about you! You are really amazing. I saw that you defeated the enemy with difficulty, and then when you were resting quietly, you suddenly left this world and when you left this world, you became a 6-year-old kid again!
I don’t know how you did it, but even now I envy you very much! Maybe it’s because it involves two worlds, which is beyond my intervention. I’m hurt by the world forces in that world, and soon I’ll fall asleep! "
"Well, is there anything I can do for you?"
"I don’t know, but I can feel the opportunity for me to wake up in that world. If you go to that world, please work hard to find the opportunity for me to wake up. My opportunity is …" Toad’s voice is getting smaller and smaller. Finally, Shu Maoshi didn’t hear what the opportunity was. At the same time, Toad’s body actually turned to stone in full view …
"No, it’s not true! Great fairy! Bodhi old zu! "
I rushed straight at him. He didn’t expect it to be like this. At this time, Shu Mao opened his eyes. "The fact that he is not dead is an opportunity for him to wake up. No, this world has promised his old man that I will go to another world to help toad find an opportunity to revive him!"
"Ah?" What does it mean that the fairy with tearful eyes has completely lost her mind when she heard Shu Mao’s words? There is too much information!
Shu Mao is not from this world? Although they also heard some ears before, but now Shu Mao said it himself, this power is really not small!

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