Listen to Yang De continued, "There are 53,000 active field troops and 17,000 patrolmen in the army, but at present, a large number of field troops in our army are seriously understaffed.

In addition, at present, our army has a certain gap in various technical weapons. At present, the ninth division and the tenth division have two artillery battalions respectively. The third division lost four guns and sixteen heavy machine guns during the war, and twenty-six mortars have not been replenished yet. In addition, it needs to be equipped with light machine guns. "
In the past two months, Zhao Dongyun has made a big expansion to the three towns, directly expanding the three divisions, three mixed brigades and two cavalry brigades, and this expansion is based on the expansion system of Beiyang Army, which is to directly transfer the backbone of a certain army from the active troops and newly programmed troops to expand.
Zhao Dongyun created three divisions and five brigades in a short time, but it also led to a serious shortage of troops, especially the ninth division was transferred out to form the seventh Huncheng Brigade because it fell into an infantry brigade and an artillery battalion, which led to the fact that there was only one infantry brigade and two artillery battalions left in the ninth division at present.
The 10th Division was also assigned an infantry regiment and an artillery battalion.
The third division is no exception, and an infantry regiment and an artillery battalion have also been transferred.
The third division was transferred out, and the troops were all formed into the fourth HunChengLv, the fifth HunChengLv and the seventh HunChengLv.
That is to say, in the past two months, Zhao Dong Yunshou Fengjun has actually expanded a lot, but the actual strength is not too much. Before the war, there were nearly 50,000 people in his three full divisions. Two months later, it was only more than 6,000 people.
In the first two months, the strength of the institute did not increase much, which is not that the army did not recruit new recruits, but that most of the recruits recruited urgently in these two months were trained in the new barracks. It will be this month and next month that they will be added to the active troops in large quantities
After all, this is a reality, not a strategy game. It is impossible to say that Zhao Dongyun opened his mouth and said that tens of thousands of troops will appear immediately before the expansion of the army. There must be a time process in which it takes about three months for soldiers to complete various trainings and supplement them in various units. At present, the training period of recruits is urgently shortened, but it will take about two months. It is difficult to guarantee the quality of recruits in the Education Department.
Zhao Dongyun looked at Zhao Dongping at the ordnance department at this time. "How long will it take to replenish the ordnance of the troops?"
Zhao Dongping is another bitter face. Xiong Xiling, the government’s financial butler, recently came to maintain his financial worries, but he was not much better.
He is the general manager of the Ordnance Department of Fengtian Army, and he is in charge of this ordnance department, not only in charge of ordnance research, procurement, etc. He also has a payroll department responsible for issuing military salaries. To put it bluntly, Zhao Dongping belongs to the man who spends money in Fengjun.
However, there is no army from the General Administration of Finance, and Zhao Dongping is also a clever woman. Since the war, the army has soared in a straight line. People may see that it took millions to enter the war, but in fact, in the past two months, the army has spent millions of dollars to go out, and most of them have come to expand their troops and purchase technical weapons!
Just importing 75mm field artillery from Germany cost Zhao Dongping 500,000 yuan, and then purchasing old-style field artillery from Japan. At the same time, he also purchased new-style tube-retired mountain artillery from Fuyuan Machine Factory. In addition, there are filaments that are not inferior to the artillery itself.
Artillery shells, heavy machine guns, light machine guns, rifles and other ordnance procurement cost Zhao Dongping four million less.
And the General Administration of Finance gave about half of this money. Even if Dong-ping Zhao personally found Xiong Xiling’s home, Xiong Xiling was also playing tricks and said that asking for money didn’t kill him. Anyway, the General Administration of Finance drained so little money and it didn’t matter. Dong-ping Zhao could spend money in the small treasury.
And all the money in this small vault has been painstakingly saved in the past few years. Zhao Dongyun and other Soviet generals have taken risks to do military supplies business with Japan and Russia, and they have killed all the bandits on the ground in Mukden, so they have saved about 5 million possessions, but in the past two months, they have lost less than half, which makes Zhao Dongping worry.
The money in this small vault is for prevention in case of emergency, and there is nothing you can do until you die.
If the deficit of the General Administration of Finance continues to deteriorate, it will be difficult to squeeze out enough troops in the past few months, then the remaining two or three million small coffers in Zhao Dong’s flat hand will also be spent, and everyone will probably have to drink the northwest wind.
Zhao Dongping’s face was bitter. "All the ordnance needed for this supplement has been paid in advance, and it will be filled one after another in about two or three months. However, there is still a part of the final payment that has not been given, and the troops’ salary and finance bureau has not dialed it this month!"
Hearing Zhao Dongping complaining, Zhao Dongyun frowned slightly. He knows this financial difficulty better than Zhao Dongping, but today’s occasion is not to say that he and the government have to find another way to solve the financial problem at these times. It is not necessary for the military defense meeting to say this.
So he interrupted Zhao Dong Pinghua. "Well, it’s better to have ordnance supplement than to postpone the military issue. Come with Director Xiong!"
He quickly turned to look at Yang Shande. "How long will it take for the training of recruits in the Education Department to supplement the existing troops?"
Yang Shande looks much better than Zhao Dongping. After all, he doesn’t care about money. The pressure of this army can be great, and he has nothing to do with recruiting training. If he is short of money, Zhao Dongping will naturally solve it
"In October, the recruits are about to complete the initial training. It is expected that they will be able to be assigned at the end of the month. It will take ten days to complete the initial training in November. The total number of recruits assigned for two months is 13,000, which has been able to initially meet the existing vacancies of our army!"
Zhao Dongyun showed satisfaction after listening to it. This education department has always been his more assured department. This was the case from the Lin Yong era. Although there was a transition in Wang Zhanyuan for a month, it did not cause any negative impact. After Yang Shande took over the education department, it still developed steadily and healthily.
At this time, Zhao Dongyun once again looked at Yang De Yang De’s mouth again.
"War division recognizes that at present, our army’s defense work is mainly in three directions: Anton in the south, Lushun, Harbin in the north and Yushu in the west.
At present, the direction of elm on the west line has been decided, so the Ministry will not repeat it again. I said it is the direction of the south line and the north line
On the south line, a small number of troops stationed in various countries of the Japanese army Lushun Concession may land in the army. The suggestion of the War Department in North Korea is to defend Anton in the early stage and rely on the Yalu River Anton, the future railway crossing point between China and North Korea. If possible, we must capture or blow up the railway bridge. If Anton can win the mobilization preparation for less than three months, if the situation is not smooth, we should be able to win the preparation for about one month.
The defense forces in this area should have at least one Huncheng brigade, and it is better to have a division.
The direction of Lushun is due to the fact that there are not many troops from various countries in the Lushun Concession, and because of many treaties, it is difficult for our army to enter the hinterland of Liaodong Peninsula. The suggestion of the War Department is to deploy a brigade or so troops in Yingkou near the Middle East Railway. Once a military conflict breaks out, it will seize the Dashiqiao as soon as possible and defend the enemy from landing in Yingkou.
The direction of the northern line is to guard against Russian troops in the Far East. Because the northern part is vast and sparsely populated, Russian troops rely heavily on the Middle East Railway for supplies and sports. Our opinion is to give up the troops in other parts of Heilongjiang and keep Harbin. If we keep Harbin, we can cut off the railway traffic from Manzhouli to Vladivostok. Harbin will not lose Changchun and Shenyang for one day.
Because the area may face heavy Russian attack, it is suggested that the garrison troops in this area are small and need one division, and it is best to have two divisions
The best defensive strategy for the southern and northern lines is, however, considering that once the war breaks out, there is a great difference in strength, as the chief commander Fang said, our army will abandon Harbin and Anton when necessary and retreat to Shenyang. If it encounters difficulties again, it will retreat to Jinzhou and rely on the Jinzhou defense line built for many years to defend itself. "
Although Yang De said that both the southern and northern lines were deployed and Meng Enyuan was the commander of the western line, Meng Enyuan, a few heavyweight generals in the Soviet Union, naturally took the lead on behalf of many generals. "According to Yang’s school, this south and north need at least one division and two brigades for protection. Now our army has only two divisions and two brigades, which have filled in the northern and southern lines. What about the border defense in Shenyang and Huludao, Jinzhou?"
Chapter two hundred and twenty-three Prevention arrangements
Yang De said, "The War Division’s opinion is to expand three more divisions so that we can maintain minimum military control!"
This is equal to not saying that if we can expand our troops, we can return them to Yang De. Zhao Dongyun has already made the expansion.
According to the areas currently controlled by the Soviet Union, including the three northeastern provinces and the northeastern part of Zhili, hundreds of thousands of square kilometers plus three are facing the enemy. To maintain the minimum military deployment, 150,000 to 200,000 troops are needed, and relying on the Soviet hand to serve the army is the root method to meet this huge demand.
It is also based on this consideration that Yang De said that he would expand three divisions. However, this idea is purely from a military perspective and actually affects the number of troops in the three northeastern provinces, not military needs but financial capacity.
It is more difficult to maintain the existing three divisions and five brigades with full staff in the current financial situation of the three northeastern provinces without thousands of troops. If we want to expand the three divisions, even if we sell the seats of your generals, we can’t come up with enough money.
Saw the silence aside Xu Bangjie is also the mouth "we don’t have twenty thousand small patrol? I think they can get up! "
But when I first talked about the patrolman, Cao Kun just said, "I have personally seen the patrol regiment stationed in Shenyang and the patrol battalion stationed in Liaoyang. To be honest, this patrol is reluctant to fight against bandits, but it is too reluctant to let them fight with Japan!"
Today, the three northeastern provinces have patrolmen, including feng tian patrolmen. The patrolmen in Heilongjiang and Jilin provinces are mainly from the reorganization of the old army, including the training army, the thief camp and the patrol camp. Zhao Dongyun is the general manager of all the old troops in the three northeastern provinces.
This reorganization is due to the scarcity of extra expenses, and the salary of soldiers is far lower than that of regular soldiers. To some extent, it is also to stabilize the original old soldiers. As a result, many soldiers in the patrol force are old-fashioned single-shot rifles, machine guns and artillery, and none at all.
The only thing that is slightly better is that the second patrol regiment stationed in Fengtian, Jinzhou, is equipped with a new Japanese rifle of 30 years. They were able to equip the new rifle because Zhao Dongyun got more or less more than 1,000 Japanese rifles in the Russo-Japanese War during the reorganization of the old army in the three northeastern provinces. These rifles were equipped for the field troops because of their different calibers and models, but at least they are new-style repeating rifles. It is not a problem to put them in the warehouse for rust. Besides, there is also a Japanese bomb production line in Fuyuan Machine Factory. This batch of Japanese rifles is assigned to the second patrol regiment.
At this time, Lin Yong frowned and said, "Although this patrol unit has a large number of soldiers, most of them are old and weak generals, and most of them are old-fashioned officers. Most of them are old-fashioned single-loaded rifles. If they want to fight hard with Japan and Russia on the battlefield, I am afraid they have to be equipped with new rifles, machine guns and artillery. With this money, we might as well directly expand a division!"
However, Xu Bangjie said, "I once said that we should let them fight hard with Japan and Russia on the battlefield. Now our shortage of field troops is naturally critical, and some land areas can spare a lot of field troops instead of deploying patrol officers!"
Zhao Dongyun listened to the low crowd and said that it was also a mouth after looking around.
"The north-south west third-line defense is to be built anyway!" Zhao Dongyun said that he was thinking in his mind, "So the ninth division was transferred to Harbin!"
"Cao Kun, you take the fifth HunChengLv to Anton!"
"The tenth division transferred a standard to the garrison headquarters and the main force in Shenyang!"
"The second cavalry brigade is stationed in Liaoyang!"
Zhao Dongyun said and then looked back at the military map behind him, then flipped through the patrol report in his hand, and then went on, "Now the patrol officers are too scattered, although the equipment is a little old, but they should still take on more important responsibilities, so that the remaining six patrol battalions in Mukden will continue to co-compile two patrol battalions and ten patrol battalions in Heilongjiang and Jilin provinces will also co-compile six patrol regiments. Don’t go to the provinces to unify the’ Mukden Army’ designation.
The first patrol regiment is still stationed in Shenyang, the second patrol regiment is still stationed in Jinzhou, and the third patrol regiment is stationed in Huludao! Harbin, Changchun, Zhaowudamang, Suifen and Manzhouli are all places in the patrol group that need to be stationed one by one. Then the general staff will make a detailed deployment plan and I’ll see! "
Zhao Dongyun always likes to act arbitrarily in these major military affairs, knowing this, the Soviet generals also heard the word "suggestion" many times in the pre-meeting meeting, especially Yang De, the chief of the War Department who made a detailed war plan, and never said the word "decision". Although the actual war protection is all arranged by the War Department, it is less obvious that these decisions are all suggestions from Zhao Dongyun’s own staff and subordinates.
Although Harbin went to a ninth division in protection, the ninth division is still short of an infantry brigade and an artillery battalion with a total strength of less than 10,000 people, which can be said to be a serious dissatisfaction. Anton went to a fifth Hunchenglv in Cao Kun, and Cao Kun, the fifth Hunchenglv, also became an army. However, after a few months, there was an infantry standard and two teams of artillery, which was also a dissatisfied member.
The situation is better. There are the tenth divisions in Yingkou, Liaoyang and Shenyang, which are relatively complete, and there is also a second cavalry brigade
Direction because of the thin forces, a large number of auxiliary troops are needed to fill some gaps, which is why Zhao Dongyun decided to further integrate patrol officers.
Patrol is a kind of army anyway, although its combat effectiveness is a little bit bad, but it can’t be used for fighting. When it comes to the station, it is still barely possible to dig fortifications in peacetime and undertake logistics escort and defend the secondary front in wartime.
"The deployment of patrol officers may have a certain impact on local public security, so that you are all ready to carry out anti-bandits work, especially in Heilongjiang and Jilin provinces. A large number of bandits must not be tolerated. I hope to see initial results in three months!"
There are a dime a dozen bandits in Northeast China, and since being stationed in Jinzhou, Zhao Dong Cloud has always stopped bandits. On the one hand, it has eliminated local public security, on the other hand, it has also allowed soldiers to see the blood and increase their actual combat experience. Of course, with luck, they can also get more than 100,000 taels of silver.
Nowadays, the Su family’s great cause has wiped out hundreds of thousands of taels of silver, which is a drop in the bucket for them, but something is better than nothing. No matter how small the mosquito is, it is also meat!
"In addition, we can’t relax on the Mongolian grassland. We have to go deep into the local herdsmen in mongolia local to solve the security threat. Only when the Mongolian grassland area in the west is settled can we recruit more cavalry and buy more war horses from there!"
Compared with other warlords, Zhao Dongyun’s greatest advantage is not artillery or infantry, but cavalry!
There is a cavalry brigade in contemporary China, so there is a Su family.
In the former Soviet Union, there were nine cavalry regiments. Now, after several months of expansion and rectification, although some troops have also been weakened, two cavalry brigades and six cavalry regiments have remained fully staffed. His three divisions and cavalry regiments have also been replenished one after another, and at the same time, they have been compiled into three mixed brigades and cavalry companies.
In addition, the patrol side also reorganized three patrol cavalry battalions by reorganizing the old army.
Zhao Dongyun’s cavalry mainly comes from Mongolian grassland herders, except that some of them recruit cavalry in the northeast. Many herders often bring their own war horses when they come to enlist as soldiers. These skilled herders can become qualified modern light cavalry after preliminary firearms training.
At present, the total number of all kinds of cavalry in Zhao Dong Yunshou has reached nearly 7,000, with 10,000 cavalry troops riding horses, second only to the Cossack cavalry in the Russian Far East and more cavalry troops stationed in North Korea than in Japan.
This cavalry advantage Zhao Dongyun but can’t give up easily!
With the deployment of the three lines of defense and the topic of suppressing bandits, the sky is getting dark!
"Let’s stop here for today. There are still a few issues left. The General Staff will hand over a detailed report. Please go home first!" This army will never be finished, and Zhao Dongyun has no intention of dragging all the generals to Shenyang. Many generals are going to lead troops to various places to station. For example, Meng Enyuan has to rush back to Shenyang this time, and then he will have to go back to Yushu this day. Otherwise, if anything happens over there, it will be a bad thing for him to be the supreme commander.
After driving this group of generals out, Zhao Dong Cloud returned to the backyard with lights on!

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