The three of us took enough dry food and clean water and went straight to Wulan Mountain. Zana also specially brought her favorite shotgun, which she must bring when she entered the mountain. Zana knows her way around here. She has been here more than once. When we came to this marginal mountain, I looked around and saw that Wulan Mountain was really towering and stretching for thousands of miles. At this time, I felt that I was really too small compared with this mountain.

Zana led me and Yi Genjin in front, and she followed into Wulan Mountain.
There are dense forests in the mountains, and I don’t know how far it is to walk in. My sense of direction is blurred now. If I don’t look at the sun, I can’t tell the roots from the east, the west and the northwest. Zana also woke up from an excitement. Now she is complaining that there are too many places in this place, and she is confused.
"Zana, how far do you think that old witch haunt is from here?" I was so tired that I gasped and asked Zana
Zana was so tired that she sat down and said, "Brother Sigou, what’s your hurry? You have to go to the deepest part of this mountain."
Yi Genjin lost his breath and said, "If I had known, I wouldn’t have followed. What a pain! My legs are getting thinner."
We sat and rested in a dense forest and drank some water, which restored our strength. We walked in this dense forest for a whole afternoon and didn’t go out. What I am most afraid of now is that we turned to the forest and couldn’t get out. When they both stopped, I called them up and walked on. When they first entered the mountain, their enthusiasm disappeared. Yi Genjin showed that there might be treasures buried in the mountain, while Zana was adventurous and bent on excitement. Now they both regretted it.
But the bow didn’t turn back, and now I can’t find my way back. I can crustily skin of head and go forward in the jungle until evening, but I still can’t go out. At this moment, the three of us are very impatient. At this moment, a tragic scene appeared in the depths of the jungle, and a wolf howl told me that I was afraid of what to be afraid of. There were wild animals in this mountain!
I just thought that a dozen wolves suddenly appeared from the forest, and they were all small in size. Xiaoqing’s faint eyes braved the yoshimitsu and surrounded the three of us.
My heart suddenly cooled, and it was half over. It was impossible for me to meet wolves in the deep mountains and forests to survive. These are wild wolves, not wolves in the zoo. I don’t know how hungry I have been for a few days. It takes a hug, but how can we live?
However, the trapped beast still has to fight to death to fight for a larger foe. Yi Genjin is surprisingly calm at this moment, and his two short legs are not shaking at all. I am really a little impressed with him now, and then I look at Zana’s face. Although this girl is a little nervous, she is still quite calm, clutching her shotgun and keeping a close eye on the movement of more than a dozen wolves in front of her.
The three of us spontaneously formed horns back to back. Now I have a shotgun with my bare hands and Zana doesn’t know how many wolves can be killed. After nearly a minute of confrontation, these evil wolves finally couldn’t bear the loneliness, leading a red-haired wolf to howl and take the lead in rushing towards us!
"pa!" There was a loud noise, and the shotgun in Zana’s hand rang, and then the red-haired wolf should fall into a pool of blood, and Zana hit it right in the head.
The leading wolf was killed, and the wolves were in a mess, but soon they gathered around us together. These wolves were afraid of the shotgun in Zana’s hand, or they would have come to bite us together.
We confronted the wolves for a while, and suddenly these wolves came at us together. Zana raised her shotgun and fired five shots, and five wolves fell to the ground, but this five-shot shotgun was also exhausted and tried to reload. Now there are five or six wolves left. They are not dead, but they are more ferocious and leap high and come at us.
The second chapter, the cannibal thanks to Super Flash Storm and Worry about Mulberry Chrysanthemum.
As a result, the situation is even more dangerous. Although the number of wolves is now reduced by half, our shotgun is no different from a poker. My little girl Zana is also sweating, clutching her beloved shotgun to protect her chest.
At the same time, five or six wolves showed us how to attack these wolves. It seems that they usually hunt together. The three of us have a shotgun in Zana’s hand. The root is human fish, but when people are in danger, the explosive power is amazing. The desire to survive makes me full of fighting spirit. Seeing a wolf pounce on me and stretch out his hand to grab Zana’s shotgun gun, it sweeps across the wolf’s head and smacks it right in the eye, making it "ouch" and the body can’t help but twitch.
The remaining wolves hesitated for a while, and then they jumped on us again. In my panic, I waved my shotgun at random. But this time, several wolves became more cautious. I took the shotgun and attacked Yi Genjin and Zana. Three wolves rushed at Yi Genjin at the same time, yelling at Yi Genjin, and turned around and ran away. However, his two short legs were too slow to run, and a wolf chased his ass from behind and bit him hard, almost tearing a piece of meat.
Yi Genjin screamed in pain and cursed, "I’ll show you what you can do today!" Yi Genjin said that his eyes seemed to burst into fire and there was a sharp momentum.
When I saw it, I felt a little more secure, and I thought Xiaojin was going to show off. It seems that he has 20% ability to deal with these evil wolves. But just as I was going to fight these evil wolves to the death, the goods turned around and ran with two short legs, and soon they ran to a big tree, and their hands and feet climbed to it in a short time.
I despise Egan Jin now, but I still despise him. What can I do when I scold the wolf? It turned out to be running to the tree! Not to mention that his tree level is really high, but now Zana and I are left to face the wolves back to back, and the situation is even more steep. My heart says this is not righteous. Throw Zana and me here to feed the wolves, but he ran to the tree first.
These wolves tried to climb the tree, as if they had a soft spot for the plump Egan Jin, and they all slowly came around to Zana and me.
Two wolves came at me together, opened their mouths and bit me. They swung their shotguns and hit one wolf in the back of the neck and beat it to the ground. But the other wolf bit my arm, which hurt me. I screamed and tried to shake it, but I couldn’t get rid of it. At this moment, Zana shouted, "Brother Four Dogs, give me the gun!"
I gave the gun to Zana Zana, and the gunman raised his shotgun at the wolf’s head and smashed it. Because she was not strong enough, the wolf loosened my arm and didn’t hurt it much.
Yi Genjin, the tree, slipped away from the tree at this moment. Maybe he also felt that he could not share the trouble with us. He was a little sorry to come and join us. There were only a few wolves left, and then the three of us rushed at us and shouted at the same time and ran away.
Four or five wolves were chasing after us, and Yi Genjin didn’t care about the pain in his ass. He ran faster than anyone, but we didn’t run 100 meters away, and we were tragic. The ground suddenly sank like the underground, and the three of us fell together.
It was dark at the moment, and I felt my body falling like a hole in the bottom. After a few seconds, all three of us fell into the water, which turned out to be an underground river.
Fortunately, there is water at the bottom, or we will die. The river in this area is not fast. We dragged each other out of the river and climbed to the river bed. I looked up and looked at the surface. A small round hole was shining. We were at least 50 meters from the ground.
Now it’s impossible to get back to the ground. After we have stabilized our mind, we walk along the riverbed. We can’t see anything in front of us. We walk hand in hand in a straight line. There is a faint light in front of us. This is our only hope now. I hope there is an exit in front of us and we won’t be trapped here.
However, hundreds of meters away, the light in front of us is still not far from us. Zana is a girl after all, and her physical strength is a little behind. At this time, she sat down on the riverbed. "Let’s take a break and go. I can’t walk any further."
As soon as Zana sat down, she screamed and jumped up, touching her ass and saying, "Something pricked my ass!"
Yi Genjin and I quickly came to see where Zana had just sat. It was dark and I couldn’t see anything clearly. I tried to touch a wet ground with my hand. There was a hard thing that felt like a bone standing there. I continued to touch it with my hand along this bone and found that there were several such bones around here. I don’t know whether it was an animal or a human.
Where did you get so many bones? Just when we guessed at random, Zana suddenly shouted, "Brother Four Dogs, look, there is a skull here!" "
I rushed to the crowd. With the faint light in front, I saw that it was a person whose skull had been completely separated from the skeleton next to him. From this skull, the man died short, and the skull and gills gang still had some residual meat, which seemed to have been eaten by something.
Zana bent down and vomited, afraid to look at these bodies again. Yi Genjin and I counted five of them. Because all the bones were left, we couldn’t tell whether it was a man or a woman. At this time, Yi Genjin said excitedly, "Brother Dog, look, there are still equipment here!" As he spoke, he hit us with a strong hand that had just been picked up from the ground and lit up all around us.
I looked at these five bodies with my hands shining. They must have been eaten by some animals, and all of them were left with a lot of bones and a little residual flesh. Judging from the residual meat, these five people died less than a week ago, and judging from the posture of their bodies, they showed signs of violent twisting and struggle before they died, which shows that they must have experienced painful torture before they died.
There was a black traveling bag next to the body, and Yi Genjin’s strong light shone on me. I carefully packed the bag with climbing ropes, a saber and a few messy things. I never saw the bottom of the bag. I found a note. On the second page, I drew a simple map, and even the river where we appeared was marked with this map. The back pages of the note recorded the route of these five people after entering Wulan Mountain. After reading it, Yi Genjin and I both gasped. From the information recorded in the note, these five people entered Wulan Mountain as a Mongolian city.
These five people must have entered this river from another entrance. Is there a tomb of Mongolian princes and nobles near this river? Yi Genjin and Zana and I are now aware of the potential danger around us. These five people were eaten by something, so they can eat us, of course.
I’m really afraid of what’s coming. Just when we realized this, a number of mice suddenly appeared on the riverbed. These mice were a little bigger than domestic mice, with dark brown fur. A pair of small eyes were completely shot, and they all squeaked and crowded around us!
With the strong light in Yi Genjin’s hand, I can clearly see that tens of millions of mice are constantly escaping from many holes and crawling towards us. I am not so afraid of mice, but I have never seen so many gathering together, which makes my head ache.
The three of us just wanted to run for our lives, but we couldn’t come. Tens of thousands of mice flooded in and surrounded us. If there were too many of these things, we wouldn’t be afraid of people. Many mice were crawling along our legs, scaring Zana to shame.
Yi Genjin and I raised our feet and stomped on our feet, but there were too many rats, which were trampled to death. A dozen rats were gnawing at my shoes. Their sharp front teeth were all sharp, so they chewed up the tip of my shoes. Just when I was in a panic, a slightly fat mouse climbed down my body and opened his mouth and bit my arm hard. I felt a sharp pain, and then I saw that the bitten place was actually torn by it, and a small piece of meat suddenly flowed out.
I was shocked and angry. The sharp pain suddenly reminded me of the five bodies with gnawed bones. My heart was not good. I quickly shouted to Yi Genjin and Zana, "Jump into the river. These are cannibals!"
The third chapter mouse king thanks YunXi and Cheng exceptional!
Yi Genjin and Zana have been surrounded by these cannibals at this time, and their situation is no better than mine. Their clothes have been bitten by cannibals for several holes, and Yi Genjin’s fat ass has also been hurt and bitten bloody. Listen to me, they didn’t react until they jumped into the water. Yi Genjin’s urgent head didn’t forget to put the five grave robbers’ travel bags in the hand, and the three of us jumped into the river together without considering how deep the river was. Let’s avoid these deadly things first.
The river water in this land is bitterly cold until our bodies are soaked in the water. Now, even if we are not eaten by these damn cannibals, we will be frozen to death by the river water. Just as I was relieved, the river bed cannibals poured into the river in groups, and it was very spectacular and terrible.
"Mom, these mice can swim. What about Brother Dog?" Yi Genjin is now bitten by these cannibals, and he is afraid to tremble and asks me.
I’m in a hurry now, and I can’t help it. If I face monsters, maybe I can fight them by drawing a symbol, but I can’t do anything about these tens of thousands of rats that eat people.
"Can you run fast!" I shouted and swam forward desperately.
Yi Genjin and Zana can also swim, and the three of us swam desperately to the front. A large black cannibal in the water followed us closely.
Although we swam forward desperately, we were chased by these familiar water-based cannibals for a while. I was desperate. I didn’t expect to be trapped in danger when I first entered Wulan Mountain, but I couldn’t escape being eaten alive by these cannibals. This kind of death is too tragic. I can’t help thinking to myself, Lillian. I’m afraid Brother Four Dogs will never see you again in this life and I don’t know where you are!

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