At this point, the program crew came over. "We are now going to check the achievements of everyone in this half hour. Please put the ingredients you have found together in a group. There is a box with your name on it. Just put them in."

Yu Xin, carrying a bucket and a sack, seems to have gained a lot.
She looked at the others and then at Liu Jie.
Everyone else took two or three kinds of ingredients more or less, but Lu Jie had two bottles of spices.
Yu Xin frowned and put the ingredients in the box with his name written on it, but Liu Jie never thought that Yu Xin could find so many ingredients by himself. He came to Yu Xin, a spoiled young lady, and went outdoors to find an estimate alone, but he didn’t feel guilty. Now Yu Xin seems to have done nothing compared with him, which is more embarrassing.
It happened that Yu Xin looked at him calmly and didn’t seem to want to talk to him more, which made him even more unhappy.
The final result came out. The winning group was Xue and Chu Jue.
The second place is Chang Cheng and Xie Xiaoxiao.
Yu Xin and Lu Jie are the third place.
Although I don’t want to, Liu Jie felt it necessary to say sorry to Yu Xin.
If he hadn’t lost the snow, maybe the first place was really them, and he was holding him back.
This matter is his problem.
We sorted out the ingredients, decided who will be the chef tonight, and then adopted the rotation system, but the main principle is that at least one of the two people can cook.
The kitchen is not big, it is more suitable for two people to cook, and others can help, but mainly when two people cook together, they can also enhance their feelings.
In fact, everyone has someone in mind who wants to be a partner.
Chang Cheng watched a program group put a note in the kitchen and looked at others and asked, "Which one of you can cook with one hand?"
Unconsciously announced the rules once, Chang Cheng became a leader, probably because of his strong personality and management experience, which makes people believe in what he says and does.
Xie Xiaoxiao blinked and said shyly, "I can cook a few home-cooked dishes a little."
Xu Li raised her hand and went to Chang Cheng and said with a smile, "I can do it. My craft is not bad."
Chang Cheng "Is there anything else?"
Chu never raised a hand "I"
Chang Cheng nodded. "I’ll be simple, too. Well, I’ll tell you what. I’ll do it and I won’t do it in a group. We’ll just compare conversations with three people. It’s better to be in a group of three or it’ll be a bit troublesome."
Gu Linger: "I think what Cheng said makes sense, but I will also study cooking seriously and will not delay."
Yu Xin can actually cook, but the original owner can’t. It’s strange if she is a spoiled Bai Fumei and suddenly knows how to cook. She can pretend that she can’t cook in a low profile.
Others have no problem with Chang Yong-yi. After all, people who do cook are in the minority. It is not reasonable to team up in pairs, and three people are also good.
Chang Cheng: "In the first round, I’ll be with Gu Linger, Zhao Siyu, Xu Li, you and Shylock, Xie Xiaoxiao, leaving four people in a group, Chu Jueyu, Xin Xue and Liu Jie in a group of four."
Everyone looked different, but no one spoke.
Xu Li’s expression is subtle. Chang Cheng chose Gu Linger.
She looked at Gu Linger and saw that she was really a difficult person with a poor face.
Maybe she is not as popular as others, but in a place where there are a few people, a woman like her is still easy to attract men’s love.
Although snow has the highest popularity, it is not necessarily the highest level.
Xu Li wanted to think, and arranged a sequence for several other female guests in her mind.
Gu Linger ranked first in the snow, second in Yu Xin, third in Xie Xiaoxiao, and fourth.
The beauty of snow is really amazing. Her extraordinary temperament is that a man will be moved, but Yu Xin’s appearance is slightly inferior to that of snow. Occasionally, from a certain angle, she will be more charming than snow, but Yu Xin is not aggressive at all, and she doesn’t see who she is interested in. Xie Xiaoxiao is the least worried about Xu Li.
It’s too low to sell cute clothes
Yu Xin and Xu Li have different ideas. She thinks it’s too early to judge these things. They will bite people and dogs and won’t bark. The more scheming people are, the more they will hide.
Chang Cheng: "If you have any questions, you can come out now and we can adjust it again, but after three days, we can change it again. It’s a temporary arrangement."
Gu Linger "I think it’s reasonable, so let’s try it first."
In fact, from this grouping, we can see that Chang Cheng is a very observant person, and he has seen something more or less, otherwise, most people are satisfied with this grouping.
"But that’s it." Shylock just wants to know Xie Xiaoxiao and Xu Li.
It’s Lu Jie who has a complicated mood.
He wanted to be with Xue, but he didn’t expect another Yu Xin.
Chang Cheng: "Since Xue and Chu won the first prize, why don’t you leave the food to you today? You may be tired on the first day, just the four of you?"
Chu absolutely said simply, "I have no problem."
When he finished talking about the snow, he said, "Me too."
Yu Xin, "but let’s start now. It’s not too early to finish. Everyone is hungry."
Liu Jiechang can’t cook noodles at such a big meeting. He thinks of cooking later. He actually has a big nod, especially in front of the snow. He doesn’t want to show that he can’t do anything.
He said calmly, "Let’s divide the work first. Let’s decide what to cook and I’ll prepare the food."
Of the four people, Chu will never cook. Naturally, he will decide the menu.
He looked at the pasta and quickly decided on a dish.

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