Zhang Chengyuan sneered, "Is this the three-stage strength of Taekwondo? The attack seems to be fierce and defensive, but it’s a mess. It’s really a strong outside and a hollow inside! "

Jin Yuji still has a lingering fear on the wall and is very puzzled. "How did this chop suey suddenly become so fierce that I moved fast enough, but I didn’t even see how he dodged and attacked me. It seems that his eyes blinked and he lost … impossible. How could I lose so easily? I must have been dazzled today and didn’t see it clearly. It’s too humiliating to say no to him. I’m going to fight with him again to get some face back. "
I was about to get up and play again, but I saw that my younger brother, who was more than twenty, had shouted and rushed to Zhang Chengyuan.
Zhang Chengyuan sneered slightly, "It really is some ruffians who will bully more and bully less. Today, Ri just takes you out and gives you the evil spirit." Since Du Jie failed and unfortunately came to this world, he felt that the road of cultivation was full of thorns, and even Tom, dick and Harry dared to pick on him. Zhang Chengyuan’s heart had long been filled with resentment.
Listen to "bang, bang, bang", followed by a burst of "ah, ah, ah". Shadows fall one after another beside Jin Youji, and soon Jin Youji’s brothers are lying on the ground holding their bellies and groaning in pain.
Zhang Chengyuan patted his trouser legs and chuckled, "What Seoul high school said that even people with such poor skills can easily beat more than 20 times? It seems that the descendants of a small Korean country are just as difficult to climb the Daya Gallery native tile dog as his ancestors."
It is said that twenty or thirty years ago in Seoul, there was a high school student who was very good at beating high school students, and it was a big problem that generations of high school students in Seoul respected and said that the character was also Kim Yoo-ki, who had always worshipped idols, but Zhang Chengyuan felt very funny after listening to it. Suddenly, he remembered it and made a casual sarcasm.
Although Jin Yuji didn’t understand Zhang Chengyuan’s ancient Chinese, he couldn’t help but think of this saying when he saw the horror of his brothers and Zhang Chengyuan’s disdain. He was disheartened and could no longer afford Zhang Chengyuan’s fighting heart.
Zhang Chengyuan walked up to Kim Yoo-ki and said condescendingly, "Don’t bother me from now on, and you’ll write off everything I’ve done." Before Kim Yoo-ki could speak, he was about to turn around and leave when he suddenly heard a crisp children’s voice "superan?"
The sound is very low, but he can still hear clearly with his ears.
Zhang Chengyuan looked at his side and saw a small beautiful face hidden behind a wall made of barbed wire on one side of an alley. On one side of this alley is Xinyong Primary School and on the other side is a community sports ground. The sports ground is close to this alley, and the thick steel barbed wire is tightly surrounded. Seven or seven meters tall, ordinary people climb over the barbed wire and are covered with many vines, leaving almost no gap. Zhang Chengyuan and others just didn’t realize that someone was spying on them.
At this time, there is a lovely little girl with a very pleasing appearance. Her eyes are pure and evil, and her eyes are unbelievable. She looks at Zhang Chengyuan and mutters, "superan must have superan to be so powerful." It is this slight sound that is almost the same as mosquito vibration that alarmed Zhang Chengyuan.
When Zhang Chengyuan saw that she was a nine-year-old girl, her face softened a lot. She said gently, "Don’t peek when you see someone fighting, and it’s not good to be accidentally hit."
The little girl said curiously, "ppa, I know there is a superan in America. Are you our Korean superman?"
Zhang Chengyuan "superan? Super man? What the hell is this? " As soon as I thought about it, I flashed an image of a man wearing a cloak and red Se pants. I shivered and immediately denied, "Brother, I’m not a disgusting thing like superan. You mistook me for someone else."
The little girl said, "Then who are you? Why is it so powerful? Is it a Ri Saint or Altman? "
Although Zhang Chengyuan wondered that the little girl always made him unhappy by comparing him to some strange things, she still said gently, "My name is Zhang Chengyuan, and I am a monk for short. Do you understand?" Don’t treat me like those monsters inside. I won’t tell you that my brother left in advance. Goodbye. "
Zhang Chengyuan waved to the little girl and left like a cigarette. The little girl wondered, "Taoist? What is a Taoist priest? " The word "Taoist" is spoken by Zhang Chengyuan in Chinese, which is naturally incomprehensible to the little girl. Fortunately, Zhang Chengyuan doesn’t speak this word in Korean, otherwise the little girl will definitely. He regards the Taoist as the lowest level in the drama, and calls him a "fairy". It is quite popular in South Korea.
Chapter Lee Hyo Ri Invitation
After leaving the alley, Zhang Chengyuan continued to look for job opportunities. It was not until the evening that he found a job as a temporary porter on the construction site through an intermediary agency. Although he was much more tired than other types of work, his hourly salary was also high. He was more than twice as much as a fried chicken shop, which was just right for Zhang Chengyuan, a person with a large appetite and strength. The disadvantage was that his job was unstable and he might have to find another job after working for several times.
However, with the rapid increase of unemployment in South Korea, it is too difficult for Zhang Chengyuan to find a satisfactory job, and he is not picky. Zhang Chengyuan, who can be a temporary worker on the construction site for a long time, also specially gave the intermediary company a little more money to let them pay attention to the suitable job.
By the end of the year, Zhang Chengyuan had grown a little taller than 175CM and was of medium height. Because of long-term practice and hard work, his bones and muscles became stronger and stronger. But the difference between ordinary people is that Zhang Chengyuan’s body is not exaggerated. After wearing loose clothes, ordinary people can’t see the shape. The only thing that makes him feel bad is that he has made two sets of money for the five zang-organs temple, which makes him feel sad. He can’t help but severely scold South Korea’s zhèngfǔ incarnation because they insist that high school students must wear schools during the semester.
He has been in this era for more than half a year, and Zhang Chengyuan has almost completely adapted to all aspects of South Korea. He is no different from Koreans in terms of food, clothing, housing and study. He is still worried about the land of China all the time and is eager to return to Wangwu Mountain one day.
These days, Zhang Chengyuan’s life is monotonous, but he is willing to go to school, work or stay at home to practice. Occasionally, his father will say a few words or Lee Hyo Ri will talk.
Speaking of Lee Hyo Ri, Zhang Chengyuan’s heart softened. Although some monks are not heartless, they don’t pay much attention to the children’s affection in the world of mortals. They all look very indifferent to the flesh and blood. In the past, Zhang Chengyuan also had a compatriot sister who seemed to take care of him very much when he was young. At four or five o’clock, he was received by the master and practiced life. I didn’t know that Ri rose and the moon set, and I never saw that sister again. Even the number of times I missed him was very few.
Lee Hyo Ri seems to be Zhang Chengyuan’s fate in this life. As soon as he saw her, Zhang Chengyuan evoked the long-buried feelings of his brother and sister, which made him want to get close to her. He listened cheerfully and carefully to what Lee Hyo Ri said. Although he often didn’t know how to make her happy, he was silent and tight-lipped, which made him the best person to talk to in Lee Hyo Ri to relieve his depression.
An idol group captain and elder sister Lee Hyo Ri often listen to their sisters’ hearts and help them solve problems, but when she is depressed, she can’t easily tell the people around her, but when she can bury it in her heart for a long time, she feels very hard. At this time, like Woodenhead, Zhang Chengyuan entered the emotional world of Lee Hyo Ri, and gradually they became close as brothers and sisters.
On this day, Zhang Chengyuan received Lee Hyo Ri dialect again. After asking, Lee Hyo Ri immediately expressed his intention.
"Cheng Yuan, you are going to have a winter vacation in a few days. Do you want to come and see your sister and me often? And we have a performance in Yongdengpu Square on Friday night of 3Ri. How about you come and see us later?"
Zhang Chengyuan laughed, "I know the filial piety and elder sister." As soon as he finished, he heard the words, and Lee Hyo Ri smiled very hearty.
Lee Hyo Ri then said, "It’s a deal. I’ll ask my agent ppa to send you tickets for me later. You should pay attention to it!"
Zhang Chengyuan said yes with a light "well"
Although Christmas originated in the west, it has been popular in South Korea for decades, and it has become a legal holiday in South Korea. People, whether they believe in Catholicism or Protestantism, will take this opportunity to relax themselves.
Two or three days before Christmas, whether it is the east gate of the shopping center, the cave or the gathering of young people, Hongik University and Ewha University are full of Christmas trees, and every shop is also dressed up. The whole Seoul is filled with a rich and happy atmosphere.
Finkl Performance Square is located in 4th Street, Yongdeng Pudong, Yongdeng Pupu District, only 4 or 5 kilometers away from Zhang Chengyuan’s fried chicken shop, and it takes less than half an hour by subway. That’s why Lee Hyo Ri invited Zhang Chengyuan. She knows that Zhang Chengyuan is not rich when he makes money for dinner. If it is too far away, it will definitely delay Zhang Chengyuan’s work.
That night, Zhang Chengyuan went to work before asking for leave from the store manager. When he arrived at Yongdengpu Square, it was almost 1 o’clock late. Fortunately, Finkl had not appeared yet. Although Finkl debuted for a little more than half a year, it was popular among all ages in Korea. In the female group, it was second only to SES and BabyVO, who debuted earlier, but the gap was getting smaller and smaller. Therefore, Finkl’s performance order was relatively late tonight, which made a large number of loyal male audiences leave early.
Zhang Chengyuan has no interest in K-pop music, which is just emerging in South Korea and has become crazy all over Asia. If it weren’t for Lee Hyo Ri’s invitation, he would rather stay at home and watch the drama about his parents’ family life, which will never stop nagging, than watch this kind of performance, because family life drama can help him deepen his understanding of South Korea.
At this time, the neon on the stage is full of movement; The stage is screaming and dancing; Somewhere in the corner, Zhang Chengyuan is in a daze. Everything around him seems to have nothing to do with Zhang Chengyuan. In this beautiful moment, most young people have common signs of carnival, but they can’t find anything in Zhang Chengyuan’s body. Others see that Zhang Chengyuan is a young man who has just tasted the bitter fruit of lovelorn.
At this time, Zhang Chengyuan is thinking about the future prospects. After half a year’s hard work, he has reached a critical point and will never make any progress. This is because the aura in the city is too thin and the quality of food consumed per ri is too general. Thinking about repairing roads is almost desperate. It is time to consider another way out, but he is confused about what kind of road to take and what kind of road to J and jīng color is more meaningful. This made him feel very confused.
I don’t know when Finkl finally appeared. The familiar sounds of Lee Hyo Ri girls made Zhang Chengyuan wake up and listen to the four sisters’ enthusiastic singing with great interest. Zhang Chengyuan’s singing is not white. It’s just about seeing people. Lee Hyo Ri and others are already very beautiful. After wearing a white performance, they are even more handsome and handsome, which not only attracts the male audience’s itching, but also attracts the girls’ fans. They can’t wait to sing and dance on the stage like Finkl.
After Finkl’s performance, Zhang Chengyuan made a private call to Lee Hyo Ri at the roadside kiosk. Lee Hyo Ri asked Zhang Chengyuan to wait at the street in front of the square for about ten minutes. An inconspicuous car stopped in front of Zhang Chengyuan. A young man of twenty-five or six just recognized Zhang Chengyuan as Finkl’s agent’s assistant. It is said that this man was unlucky enough to be hit by Zhang Chengyuan’s predecessor, and he was deducted from his salary for several months by the company. However, he was not only not resentful but also very guilty, so he was very enthusiastic about Zhang Chengyuan.
Zhang Chengyuan leaned forward and called "Hello, Senior Zheng Junxian" and took this bus to Finkl dormitory.
Chapter 9 Four Sisters
Finkl Dormitory is located in Fangbei Cave, Seocho District, Seoul, which is not far from the DSP planning of their brokerage company. It is a resting place for them when they debut. Now Finkl has achieved amazing results in the first album activity and got rid of the title of "newcomer". Generally speaking, it is no longer necessary to wait for TV programs for several hours before observing the etiquette of chatting with newcomers, so four women will have more rest. When they are not, it is more comfortable and convenient for them to go home and rest in their dormitory.
And this dormitory has become a place where Finkl usually stops occasionally to get in touch with his feelings and only moves in when he is in a hurry for a large number of announcements.
This is the first time that Zhang Chengyuan came to this dormitory to meet Lee Hyo Ri and others. Perhaps he was worried that the meeting outside would attract unnecessary public attention. Lee Hyo Ri called him to the dormitory this time. It can also be seen that Zhang Chengyuan has become a relatively harmful figure in the eyes of Lee Hyo Ri women, and he was able to win Finkl letter because Zhang Chengyuan is still young, sincere and very tight-lipped. If Lee Hyo Ri and others want to enter his ears, they will rot in his stomach, which makes the four women very reassured him.
In fact, Zhang Chengyuan is usually quite aloof and self-admiring, and only treats a few people like Lee Hyo Ri with special respect and regards them as friends. This may be the fate caused by the car accident.
When Zheng Junxian sent Zhang Chengyuan to the dormitory, Lee Hyo Ri and others didn’t come back yet. Zheng Junxian chatted with Zhang Chengyuan for a long time. It seemed that he was still very enthusiastic and didn’t care at all about Zhang Chengyuan’s cold response. Maybe he thought that if he was Zhang Chengyuan, he would not give up his words about hurting others, but he didn’t know that Zhang Chengyuan didn’t mind that he hit him with a car, but still had some monks who were lofty and boastful. In short, Zhang Chengyuan couldn’t do anything really.
After sitting for a long time, Lee Hyo Ri and others finally came back. There are already some words that are poor. Zheng Junxian is very happy to leave and go home. It is so interesting and embarrassing for Zhang Chengyuan to get along alone. Although he doesn’t blame Zhang Chengyuan in his heart, he is almost talking to himself and Zhang Chengyuan doesn’t even give a response expression. How can he communicate?
As soon as Lee Hyo Ri saw Zhang Chengyuan, he seemed to see a funny toy "Wow" and cried out, "Cheng Yuan, you can come and let your sister have a good look. Why have you grown so much?" I leaned straight against Zhang Chengyuan and gestured, "I am half a head taller than I am. The boy in Qing hūn period grows really fast. I remember that you were just as tall as me in the hospital at the beginning of July. I didn’t realize it when I met him in high heels two times ago. Today, I suddenly saw that it was even taller than Yu Zhuxuan. How much food do you have to eat for a meal?"
Yu Zhuxuan, Li Zhen and sung yuri also put their heads together around Zhang Chengyuan and studied them carefully, just as seriously as workers checking production.
Yu Zhuxuan said, "Not only has he grown taller, but he is much stronger. He was thinner than the real son before, and now he is a little masculine."
Li Zhen said, "How can I be thin? My legs are very strong, but my cheeks are not very fleshy. Yuri is really thin. "
Sung yuri retorted, "Where have I lost weight? You see, my face is fleshy. I think Sister Zhu Xuan is too strong." He also gently squeezed his face.
When Yu Zhuxuan stopped listening, he hooked sung yuri’s neck and said angrily, "Tell you to talk nonsense and see how I can tidy up you!"
Among the four girls, Yu Zhuxuan is about 17 in height and the strongest in body. Because of her fat face, she looks far less beautiful than the other three sisters, but her singing strength is the strongest. She is good at high notes and is called Finkl pillar and strength.
Lee Hyo Ri didn’t say a few words when she saw the three girls. "Chengyuan is still here. Anyway, he is also a boy, and you don’t pay attention to your own image." But she is just talking. At the same time, her right hand has touched Zhang Chengyuan’s cheek and praised, "The skin is really smooth. It is more delicate than Yuri."
When the three girls heard this sentence, they couldn’t believe it. "How is this possible? I’ll touch it, too." Everyone rubbed Zhang Chengyuan’s whole face curiously with one hand.
"ah! It’s really slippery. Yuri’s skin is not white enough. "
"hey? Boys are healthier and more attractive with a little bronze Se! "
"If only my skin were so slippery, it would save me a lot of time when I put on makeup like a baby."
"Don’t we all get old? The skin is not as good as a boy. How do you maintain it? Sweating? Massage? Go to the Academy of Fine Arts? "
"What nonsense? How can Chengyuan do that when he works every day?"
"hey! Chengyuan muscle is quite solid. "
"Let me touch it!"

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