This person has been Meng Fei on the list. Four hundred and thirty-two Shura world.

Liu Yuyan seems to be a degenerate, but it is the peerless fox who eats people and doesn’t spit bones. When her eyes are clear, she has mastered the excellent scale.
Today, cruising in Nie Feng, my grandson, still doesn’t forget to hook up with a Meng Fei occasionally, but he’s not really taken advantage of by any one. Obviously, it’s also a powerful role.
Yu Yunshi’s appearance is cold and chilly, but in Meng Fei’s view, he is a poor man who has to be cold to hide his true self, but instead threatens the least of these five people.
However, this is his usual personal experience to judge whether it is true or not, and it needs to be verified in the future to know
However, through the five-person cultivation, he can also get a judgment. The Shengquan Sect really holds a heinous terrorist background. The lowest threshold for its younger brother turned out to be the realm of life and death, which shows that its strength has made Meng Fei feel more fearful.
When he observed the dark judgment of all the people, the other five people, however, each calculated their own accounts in each other’s hearts. After all, they have been ups and downs on the road of death and life for many years. If people don’t even have this idea, how can they live safely today?
Ding Yuanhou rarely appeared, but most of them were manipulating the crystal shuttle. However, for Meng Fei, seven people tried to approach it, but they didn’t notice it. But I don’t know why he didn’t intervene in it and let it develop.
In a blink of an eye, on the day of October, Meng Fei was in repose, and the crystal shuttle suddenly gave him a hard shock. His eyes suddenly grew long and he went to the layman.
At the same time, six people, such as the grandson, avoid virtual bamboo, are also puzzled and go straight to the top cabin of Feiling.
A layer of light and shadow is suspended in front of the imaginary place in Dingyuan’s submerged eyes, and the external drawing is projected on it through the suppression of visualization.
In this chaos, the crystal shuttle turned out to be the other party’s encounter in practice, and it was obviously attacked by the other party’s practice
Shura world practice grandson avoid people Nie Feng two people clearly know the outside world that connect body color strange things face have changed eyes very show fear.
Meng Fei and others face dew don’t understand two people quickly low mouth will explain this shura world things after listening to a few people face also become quite ugly.
The name of wanxing mainland wanxing lies in this world, where wanxing is scattered around. From the map, it looks like it is dotted with wanxing in the night.
Dahua dynasty is famous in mainland China, which is the poorest and most remote continent in ten thousand continents.
The shura world is an alternative continent close to the spirit star continent. To be more precise, it is a continent on the verge of collapse and about to reach its deadline.
Once the mainland practice collapses, it may fall, except for some powerful outsiders.
What’s more, the shura world has occupied and captured the other four continents for four times, reaching the limit of the laws of the Heavenly Palace, which has made it impossible to continue to extend the life of the shura world in this way.
At that time, the long-term spread and development of the shura world was destined to have a very high level of cultivation, which exceeded more than one level of the spirit star continent, and the situation of imminent collapse and destruction was even worse. The shura world cultivated ferocious and aggressive people who were always looking for trouble and fighting to the death.
They have reached the end of their lives, and there is no difference between early death and late death.
According to the shura world adjacent to two continents, it has been occupied by the shura world for several times, and the cultivation has been enslaved and the blood has been stained with blood.
Lingxing mainland is far away from the shura world, and the two sides have not crossed the front, but it is early to know that they are practicing in the fierce shura world.
Dingyuan Hou low hum a cold road Shura bound flying boat in the old breath of a few strong, you run repair to resist high pressure, the old man to control the flying edge to the limit to see if they can be dumped.
Grandson avoid Nie Feng and others face change again at the moment which dare to hesitate to nod silent transport capability to protect the body.
Meng Fei surly body capability rolling.
For a moment, there was a sudden quiver, and then the mighty pressure swept through the water. The wall of the crystal shuttle flashed, and the lines of the seal cutting array lit up one after another and burst into harsh flashes.
In the chaos, the crystal shuttle suddenly broke out in terror, and the speed of coercion soared several times, and it instantly disappeared into the chaos of the highest day.
Not far from the crystal shuttle, there is a latosolic red blood-shaped leaf-like aircraft that exudes a strong ShaQi.
My Lord, they escaped from the Shura world and cultivated their appearance. People are slightly different. Everyone looks ferocious, and their skin is reddish and bloody. Everyone is full of strong Shaqi. In this leafy flying object, a Shura family practices low mouth.
Thirteen shura people are the first to practice. A cold man with a sharp tail and a raw back looks similar to the Terran. His eyes are strange, his blue lips are like blood and bright red.
Smell speech at the moment this shura clan leader corners of the mouth slightly become warped dew with a ferocious cold color way in this crystal shuttle a breath I quite a guy if you can kill it swallowed his JingXie will certainly be able to let my blood force evolved again.
Speaking of which, the man’s eyes narrowed slightly and his cold light flashed, and he said, you must never let them run away. This wonderful hunting opportunity is rare.

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