A traveler, he came to the left one or two and felt that he was no different from other bss.

However, when the emotional factors of people around you are mixed, everything becomes different.
"Duke! Please save Malfurion! " Duke’s ear still echoed with Tyrande’s words.
Tyrande, the leader of the night elves, wants to control the vast territory of the night elves. Although it is not necessary to fight for every inch of land, it is not allowed for the Burning Legion to arbitrarily send the night elves to the door.
Tyrande can’t leave saving his childhood friends to Duke.
To be honest, Duke felt a little uncomfortable, not to save Malfurion. After all, the old man with antlers and a trademark qingqing grasslands hat was definitely a good man. After learning that Tyrande had a heart, Malfurion quit and continued to silently support Tyrande.
Duke thinks Cenarius is the culprit.
The former Cenarius was hacked to death with an axe, and Duke would laugh. But now Cenarius is not only corrupted by the emerald nightmare, but his foster mother is holding Duke’s hand!
This kind of shit is simply ridiculous.
"Yi Sela, I’m telling you …" Duke was about to tell the results of the unified scan when suddenly the whole world shook.
A red dot emerges from the void, and in a blink of an eye, ominous crimson fills one person’s Yi Long horizon again.
Evil spreads, rots and expands.
At the core of all the crazy nightmare breath, a four-legged horse-shaped centaur appeared.
He’s big and wild, he’s on horseback, he’s got huge antlers on his shoulders, and a lot of lux-like crystal clusters are walking with him, and these lux crystal clusters keep shaking like burning flames.
Even his beard changed from green to mud red.
Yi Sela cover her mouth and she couldn’t believe her eyes.
No, she had expected this scene, but she was always small-minded and very lucky before seeing it with her own eyes.
At this moment, all luck has been disillusioned.
"Senna … Leave …" Yi Sela sounds like talking.
It’s too bad for her that the emerald dream is corroded.
She felt that she really fell into an eternal nightmare and woke up anyway.
"Yi Sela I can …" Forget this shit. Duke doesn’t know if it’s comforting Yi Sela.
"No, no, Duke, you’ve helped me too much." Yi Sela lifted her beautiful face and two tears fell from the corner of her eye. "There are some things that you can’t do by yourself."
"…" Duke can be silent.
"Twenty-five thousand years! It’s been a long time. I watched him grow up with his foster mother and he became the spiritual leader of Senario Parliament with his own beliefs … Maybe … this is war! " Yi Sela’s face was full of sadness, and then he gave Duke a smile.
Duke watched her launch the ultimate transfiguration
In just two seconds, she became the beautiful green dragon again.
Uh, wait a minute. The shape of the dragon seems to be a bit misnomer for Yi Sela now.
The size is obviously wrong!
At this time, Yi Sela Zhang’s wings are less than 20 meters long and about 15 meters long.
She is still a monster to human beings.
For the nightmare power, it inflates as much as Cenarius Yi Sela. This figure is a bit insufficient, and it is a bit weak.
Several times it has been proved that hand-to-hand combat is not dominant among creatures of the same size. At ordinary times, of course, Yi Sela can abuse each other to survive by various magic or mental attack stunts.
The problem at the moment Yi Sela just soul hit!
The body of the Chapter 217 Sand sculpture
"Are you … ok?" Duke asked hesitantly
"Whether it works or not, it’s all mine. Duke, you deal with the last enemy."
Duke turned his head and immediately saw his right side burst
The void cracked like broken glass, revealing a monster with an inverted triangle bust.
This skull is demonized, and demons generally have crooked horns. The five big and three thick bodies make it look a bit like a burning legion.
That’s it. The monster has nothing to do with the elegant and violent profession of Faye.
People don’t know Duke. Of course they know who he is. He marks everything.
Savis … The ghosting!
Duke suddenly felt boring.
What’s so special about savis and savis? It’s savis.
From the ancient war, he teased this cargo and used it as a younger brother. Later, he tried many times to make trouble.
At one point, the goods were killed and even most of their souls were annihilated. At that time, Enzo didn’t come out to pick up his bones.
To tell the truth, Duke was worried about this before, but after he became powerful, Duke looked down on Enzo, and he had never seen it dare to jump out and just face it.
Duke wanted to yawn and say, "Are you finished?"
Others may be in awe of savis’s title of’ nightmare king’.
It’s a pity that savis’s power has been greatly reduced in this life, and the conspiracy has failed once. This title of "king" is really out of water
Enzo could have made such a toy like a giant without strong soul support, and stuffed savis’s ghost into it to make up for it.
Scanning savis’s remnant soul even’s peak period, 5% of it doesn’t look like a huge soul, which is full of soul residues from a large number of unknown creatures.

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