"No report is really here! Is it shallow to bring trouble to my sister? "

"You this wench is not you who else?" Lan Yu also shook the white jade bone fan and walked over, saying it was with resentment, but looking at Lanqingshallow, the resentment turned into spoil.
"Eldest brother! Great, you are all right! " Lanqing shallow wiped to wipe tears smiled and said
"Stop acting. That’s how you want to force your brother to help grandpa four get things done!" Lan Yu nai shook his head and sighed.
"You found out" LanQing shallow wittily vomitted to stick out your tongue.
"By the way, how did you get out?" Lan Ji month asked
"I think chatting naturally comes out like that." LanQing shallow a face of koo.
Lan Yu frowned. "Nobody stopped you in the palace?"
"Stop me? Those guards martial arts or forget it. "
Lan Qingshan waved his hand and turned to Lan Yu. "Brother, since the Qingfeng Temple has been exposed, where do you live now?"
"Fourteen masters have their own arrangements" Lan Yu looked at Lanqing Shallow and felt that her spirit was good. She was a little thin and couldn’t help but feel distressed. "Shallow since she came out, let’s go with her brother."
"How can that be done?" "I came out this time and found that the government’s military protection has changed, and the 17 th report seems to have been hurt a little. If the 14 th master wants to succeed, I think now is the opportunity!"
"Nonsense you when it is a joke? !” Lan Yu was a little angry. "My brother has already expressed his position to Grandpa 14. You can’t come with me at once!"
"But …"
"Since Miss Tanyue is bent on helping the sovereign, why do you stop her?"
Smell speech Lan Yu brother and sister qi qi side head Lan Yu low way "aunt … ah don’t understand the girl? !”
Jieyu Hua twisted her fat waist and came to Lan Yu to slightly bless her body. "I feel that you shouldn’t have brushed Miss San’s mind around her, and I hope you can be considerate of your sister."
Lan Qingshan has never seen a fat aunt looking at her pouting and saying, "Who are you?"
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Xieyuhua smiled at her, and the powder fell rustling. "Miss San Nujia is a famous woman of the fourteenth grandfather, and of course she is also very admired for stepping on the moon …"
"Stop!" Lan Yu stopped her. "That’s enough. Everyone is one of our own!"
Jieyu Hua smiled shyly and looked at him with a pair of eyes. "Well, well, since we are all our own people, I will listen to what I say when I step on the moon."
Shake shake the goose bumps Lan Yu way "shallow 17 wangfu want to be targeted you Ann I think you still …"
"Big brother, that’s why I can fish in troubled waters!" Lanqing shallow blinked his eyes and said, "I will send you the news after you leave my contact information."
"What news can you get when you are in the cell …" Lan Yu couldn’t help but vomit.
"Eldest brother, you said that if I want to go out, isn’t that a state of mind? Just like now … oh, it’s almost time for me to go back! "
Said the blue light will pull the wind deep and remote Yang back.
"Shallow …" Lan Yu was just about to stop but was blocked by Jieyu Flower.
"Miss San, if you have something to do, come to the leftmost cylinder of Wangjiang Pavilion in the south of the city. There is a hidden box where you can put any news."
Jieyu Hua finished and bowed down again.
"I know, eldest brother and second sister, take care of yourself. I’m going back!"
"Ah shallow …" Lan Yu knew that she couldn’t stop her, but she was still unwilling.
He already has a sister involved in a royal dispute and doesn’t want to get involved in a second one …
"It’s fair to step on the moon. The so-called’ people can’t help themselves in rivers and lakes’ is exactly what these three young ladies did to show their loyalty to the sovereign. Are you going to stop her?" XieYuHua eyes looked at him and said meaningfully.
Just around the corner, I saw Weichi Jincheng looking at them with anger.
"Blue side princess is really rare, Wang Yuan. You sneaked away and never came back. Who knows you can come back!"
"King, report … how can I be willing to leave you …" Lanqing started the coquetry mode with a small mouth and held his arm with a smile. "I just felt that the prison meal was too bad and pulled Youyang to buy something delicious …"
Afraid that Weichi Jincheng didn’t believe in blue and shallow, he quickly took a thick roast chicken wrapped in oil paper from the wind and immediately overflowed his cell.
"This is the last report today. Would you like to try it?"
Wei Chi Jincheng looked at this sly little woman and pulled a sneer at her mouth. "It’s better to taste it than to taste you!"
Chapter 7 I just came to have a look
If Shuige Jire water pushes herself hard in the room and churns in my chest, I feel that I finally spit out one mouthful blood without a sigh of relief.
"Lord of the cabinet!" Hu Wei has been guarding the cabinet master outside the room. He must master Ji Ruoshui’s every move.
"Sit down!" Ji Ruoshui strongly supported, "Hu Wei, keep an eye on my master and don’t let him in!"
Seeing that he didn’t answer, he added, "Did you hear that?"
Until Hu Wei gloomily turned her eyes and sat cross-legged on the bed and secretly pranayama.
Since the second time, Li Er gave her some strength to heal Wendi, Ji Ruoshui’s skill has never recovered. This time, through the assassination of Wei Chi Jincheng, she risked sending a note warning and was almost beaten by his palm to shift her five internal organs. If she hadn’t been lucky enough to protect her heart, she would have died halfway before she came back
I vomited a few mouthfuls of blood again. Ji Ruoshui felt much better, and I don’t know if Wei Chi Jincheng could understand her warning. I hope she can find a partner to help them this time.
Blue, clear and shallow, and the wind is still in the dungeon, but this time both of them were tied face to face, and Wei Chi Jincheng did not punish them, but chained them to prevent the two men from sneaking out of the palace again.
"Young lady, you said this report is to do? Locked, we don’t interrogate, we don’t give water to drink. This is killing us … "
The wind deep and remote Yang licked dry lips to LanQing shallow complained.
"You Yang, I don’t know, but I’m really thirsty now …" Lanqing was about to cry with shallow grievances.
Last night, Wei Chi Jincheng’s ambiguous words made it possible for her to leave the prison. As a result, people were lucky enough to tie them up and eat them all with roast chicken.
Well, she admits that it is not selling roast chicken when the wind is quiet, but she is really hungry! Watching a whole roast chicken enter Weichi Jincheng’s belly doesn’t even have a chicken ass left, which makes me want to die.
This prince’s nature is too difficult to figure out. Which one is he, Leng Qing, enthusiasm, indifference and teasing? Is it that he is deliberately making things difficult for her and torturing her so that she can’t stand to admit her mistakes?
It seems that she really thought the problem was too simple before! The man who said that he would laugh at all women means that he is a guy who doesn’t know how to enjoy the affair!
Looking around, I found that this dungeon torture room has crawled over a few mice from time to time, and there are some dried blood mixed with the air. I can’t get rid of the smell of blood. I feel that I am a living hell. Why not just walk away?
Just then, I suddenly heard the sound of the prison door in the distance, and then someone rolled down the stairs, and then a blue man appeared in front of them
"Shallow, are you okay?"
"Big Brother?"
"Lord of the temple!"
It was Lan Yu who came. He hurriedly took out the key from his hand and wrapped it around the chains of two people. Then he took Lan Qing’s shallow hand and said, "Go with Big Brother!"
"Big Brother!" Lan Qing shallow body shrank back. "Are we just leaving?"
Lan Yu wondered, "What are you waiting for if you don’t leave?"
"I, I haven’t got the protection map from Wei Chi Jincheng!" Lan Qing shallow pouted and felt that he didn’t complete the method to make a job with fourteen princes.

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