As long as one person is injured, he has no substitute available.

In his tactics, the back is very important.
One less may have very serious consequences.
So he must increase the strength on it.
With his ability as a passer-by, he knows that there will be many excellent backyards in international football in the future. However, there are not many people who are most suitable for getafe at present.
After much deliberation, he set his sights on the African continent.
Africa has a low back, and many excellent low backs come from here.
This time, his goal is to create the "new Vieira" yaya toure, who has the highest salary in the Premier League.
Yaya toure should still be in C? te d ‘Ivoire at this time …
It should be easy to buy him, and it won’t cost much.
Although yaya toure will occupy a non-EU quota, there are not many non-EU players in getafe team at present.
In addition to the newly joined Senna, only Popovich is a Yugoslav, so he occupies a non-EU quota.
Together with Senna, getafe has only two non-EU players, while a team is allowed to have four non-EU players.
So there are still two places.
No problem in this respect.
Yaya toure is introduced in the lower back, and fresh blood should be added to the back line to stimulate them to double their training, so as not to rely on them if they think they will always win.
The central defender is more important, and Changsheng is also very satisfied with the central defender. One is the captain Pedro canizares and the other is Jose Passareira. These two people are very reassured by Changsheng.
Then we can only start from the full-back.
As a person who came from 2012, Changsheng was inevitably marked by the people of that era, and it was unconscious.
For example, when he considers a player, he doesn’t pay attention to the player’s specialization ability as at this time. On the contrary, he pays more attention to whether the player can adapt to multiple positions or whether his characteristics are comprehensive. A player should be able to adapt to multiple positions, either playing left or right, or defending and attacking.
This is the basic requirement of football in that era in 2012.
Chang Sheng, as a person from that era, these things are directly printed in his mind, almost instinctively.
Either you can play full-back or centre-back, or both full-backs can play, or you can attack and defend well.
When I thought I could play multiple positions, a name popped up directly in Changsheng’s mind.
A young Italian full-back, produced by Turin youth training camp, has played for many clubs, including Juventus, Florence and Rome.
He is only 19 years old this year, and he is still on loan in Turin for exercise.
This is a good opportunity.
Anyway, who is renting it to?
However, with regard to these two players, Chang Sheng won’t run in person. Italy is good to say that Africa is too far away.
Now he doesn’t have time to run that far.
The team cannot live without him.
The team’s pre-season training and preparation will begin soon.
He will work out the training plan for the new season with the members of the coaching staff.
That’s a very important job.
How the team performs in a season is closely related to the pre-season training.
From the initial physical reserve training to the later technical and tactical training, each item should be carefully scrutinized and discussed with coaches and colleagues of various majors, which can not be done by talking about it.
If a certain training plan is unreasonable, it will have a knock-on effect, which will affect other training contents.
For example, if the physical training plan is not done well and the quantity is not available in time, then the players will not reserve enough physical strength after physical training, and their physical strength will not go up, which will lead to fatigue and injury. In the early training of the season, the team will be injured frequently. This non-combat attrition will seriously affect the team’s subsequent tactical training, because there are not enough people, and the tactical training will not achieve the expected results. In addition, if the injury is serious, it will make the team unable to piece together a complete team before the season, which will affect the team’s combat effectiveness.
Therefore, the training plan of pre-competition training is very random, and it must be designed strictly and scientifically.
Pre-season training is the foundation, and if the foundation is not well played, the team will suffer greatly this season. This is why many head coaches are particularly disgusted with the team’s running around the world to play any commercial games in summer, because this kind of running back and forth will split the pre-season training, shorten the pre-season training time, lead to insufficient physical reserves of players, and a series of situations …
The players’ holiday is coming to an end. Before that, he must come up with a general training plan.
Then adjust the physical training plan according to the specific physical condition of the players after reporting.
Although winning often has the help of training skills, making a correct training plan can also improve the players’ ability. Coupled with the role of training skills, isn’t that even more powerful? So even with training skills, a correct, scientific and excellent training plan is still very important.
Making a training plan for pre-season training is much more important than going to Africa to fool yaya toure.
So Changsheng didn’t go anywhere, so he stayed in getafe.
Chapter eighty The days when the training ground is busy again
While making the pre-season training plan, getafe’s transfer work is also in full swing.
Changsheng sent the team’s only two scouts, one to Abidjan, C? te d ‘Ivoire, Africa, and the other to Turin, Italy.
They have a heavy responsibility to bring back yaya toure and balzaretti for his team.

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